About Us

Hello! We are Tyler and Dayna, home and income property owners in Calgary, Alberta. We teamed up (got married) six years ago and started considering how we wanted to build our future. With encouragement from our families and mentors we looked to investing in property. However, we didn’t want to just buy our dream house and drown in a mortgage for the next 25 years. We wanted our money working for us and always saw owning a home as an investment – a legal secondary suite seemed the right option. We spent the next two years searching for the right house to get us started. Once we found it, we jumped in!

We began this journey with limited know-how or experience. We did a lot of research, made a few mistakes, and got help from a lot of really smart people. Through all that we have been able to create basements suites in two homes in Calgary, effectively giving us “four doors” and a wealth of experience and knowledge.

For us, owning these homes is a long-term investment. It is a way to have someone else pay our mortgage (that sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?), saving us tens of thousands every year and setting us up for success in the long run. We see the value in owning these properties and we want to share what we’ve learned (and continue to learn) with anyone else looking to build their future in the shape of secondary suites.

Along with growing our property investments, since getting married we’ve grown our family by one human baby and one adorable doggo. Our daughter, Cambria, joined our team October 2017, and Breezy, our Wheaten Terrier, has been bouncing around our lives since 2015. We have fun!
